Monday, November 14, 2011

Blessings Around The Homestead

What a busy few days it has been and still is. Making jelly instead of wine and still plenty of grapes to snack on. Making and canning spaghetti sauce with lots of tomatoes still to can. Preparing green beans and canning with another half bushel waiting. Cabbage waiting to be turned into kraut tomorrow. Lots and lots of pumpkins to cook and so many other veggies begging to be prepped and put away for the winter. I am so blessed to have such a sweet friend that gives us so much from the produce stand.

Trying to take care of the veggies and still keep up with things around the homestead has been a little crazy. In the mix of things a hen hatched 11 chicks that we had to catch and put into their own house and pen. Mrs. Black had 4 baby bunnies and needed a bigger warmer place. Lady Shy hatched out 7 ducklings in one of the hens laying boxes and had to be moved so the ducklings wouldn't fall to the ground. While moving her, the ducklings, and her nest I dropped the last egg that hadn't hatched and cracked it. When I picked it up I heard peeping. Brought the egg inside and put under a heat lamp where several hours later it hatched. Kept the duckling inside under the heat lamp overnight so it could stay warm and rest up. Today I took it (Dudley Doright) out to join its mom and siblings. I made sure to rub it all over the other ducklings to get their scent so Lady Shy wouldn't reject it. If that wasn't enough babies I had a baby chick in the house that Tessa the turkey had hatched. She had stolen a egg from Blondie the chicken. Once it hatched Tessa and Blondie would fight over the chick so I just decided to bring it inside. I named him Cheep and he sits on my shoulder and talks to me. William found a baby chick on Craigs List that needed a home. A lady had only hatched one chick out of her incubator and wanted to find a home for it.Cheep now has a buddy named Skate. Skate is a little younger and smaller than Cheep and thinks Cheep is its momma. Cheep loves being the boss and showing Skate how to scratch and "talk" to me. Today I moved them outside to a nice warm house with heatlamp and windows. They can enjoy the outside without having to deal with the changes in temps. Robby, Olivia, and Sissy have settled into their new home really well. Though they are Nubian and larger than Andy and Petro they are sharing a pen with they are all getting along for now. Will have to change things around soon and put one of the guard dogs in that pen. Bella, Tinker and Hillary are getting along so well together I know they will be sad to have one move to another pen but they are guardian dogs and know their job.

Am also working on my Thanksgiving menu. Williams daughter, her husband, 2 sons, my friends Gerda and Christine will be joining us. Will be picking up a big turkey tomorrow but have everything else I need. Looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving.

This fall has been such a blessing! Most falls here in eastern NC aren't very colorful. Leaves usually go from green to brown and just fall off the trees. This year we had the right amount of rain at just the right time and fall colors are breathtaking! Almost like being in the mountains and I have been loving every second.

Life has been hectic and though I am looking forward to winter slow down I am so blessed. Not a single boring day. Not a single thought of wishing life were different. Not a single second of dread of doing daily chores. Just loving life and the many blessings. Yesterday as I was getting the dogs their morning meal I saw the 50lbs of dog food was getting really low. I said a quick prayer telling God I really didn't want to tell William we needed dog food again so soon and ask if he would provide some before we ran out. This morning when we went to our favorite feedstore for chicken feed the manager ask us if we wanted a 50lb of dog food that had gone out of date. Of course we took it and I was saying a thank you prayer with a smile on my face. God always provides. May not be what or when I think it should be but he always provides. Don't forget to count your blessings!


carolina nana said...

Your feathered friends sound like mine hatching all those babies just before cold weather sets in. I have 1 silkie that has 3 chicks and 2 others trying their best to set. I've told them this is not spring !!! but they are not good listeners !!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear all about life and the busy days there at Hidden Haven, Peggy. I know you and your family/friends will have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with all that you have prepared. Harriet sends Rusty 'Happy Turkey Day' wishes!

TexWisGirl said...

i felt the gratitude pouring out of your soul in this post. i so often have these days where i just thank God for his bounty and for all the beauty that surrounds me. :)

Anonymous said...

You've been a busy woman!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

You and William are truly blessed with many friends in your area who can help you with some of that out-of-date food --for your critters and for you.. God Bless those wonderful people.

You truly are never bored, Peggy. Glad you can 'can' and put up food for the winter...

Don't your little critters realize that it's not spring????? ha ha ....Lots of babies born this time of year at the homestead!!!!!

God Bless You, Peggy, for your wonderful lifestyle.

Carolyn said...

Wow, that's a LOT of baby birds!! Good luck with them all and thanks for the "thankful" post.

Mary said...

Peggy, So glad to hear that all is going well on the farm. I've really missed reading about life there.

So many babies this fall and it sounds like the scenery is beautiful.

Enjoy, my friend. Hope all continues to be well.


amelia said...

Good Grief Peggy, You make me tired!! I'm sure you get lots of enjoyment from everything you do but what a lot of work!!

I'm happy to see that Hillary is settling in well, I'm sure she knows she's onto a good thing at your house!

I wish you'd have recipe page for all the things you cook and can to go into. That would be just another thing to take your time but it would be very much appreciated!

melissa said...

You crack me up! Cheep and Skate? The names you come up with are priceless.

And thanks for the sweet story about the dog food. I sometimes forget to pray so simply for the dailies. You blessed me, friend.

Sleep well. :)

Rachel said...

You are so busy Peggy!! I love the names for all the critters you have, but don't know how you keep them all straight!! Yes, we need to all count our blessings! Sounds like your cup is running over!!

Aimee said...

Wow what a busy place you run! Thank you so much for stopping over at my blog, and I'm glad it led me here. I'm enjoying reading about your homesteading adventures.