Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Scribbles From The Homestead

The snow is all gone and we have had rain for several days. That means we are back to a muddy,soggy, mess around here. Doesn't do any good to mop the floors as much as the dogs,cats, and us go in and out. We also have a new puppy. Honey Bear is a lab mix that was found on the side of the road by a couple. They live in a duplex and already have 2 dogs so tried to find the owners without any luck. They posted Honey Bears photo asking someone to please give her a home so she wouldn't have to go to animal control. Yeah, I saw her photo and messaged my stepdaughter that if they hadn't found a home for her by the time Lisa was heading this way she could bring Honey Bear here. Well no one else ask about her and she is now part of Hidden Haven family. House training and picking up everything she drags out to chew on has keep us on our toes. She is a smart puppy so hopefully training won't take too long. Rusty thinks he has a baby to mother and helps a lot with potty training.
Grandson Woody is doing well in basic training. We should have his address in a day or two to write. He is able to call his mom once a week. When he first got to Ft Benning  he was in processing for a couple weeks until they got enough in to start basic training. He started on Feb 3rd. So happy he is liking it. His sister Hope signed a contract with the Air Force last Thursday. She will find out where her basic is soon but already knows she will be air traffic control. Grandson Wayne finished basic in IL and is now stationed in San Diego for the next 3 years. All our family needs now is someone to join the Marines. LOL

Buttons is getting huge. I need to take another photo. Poor girl is not going to be able to move around by April kidding season. Lil Vicki and Rosemary are looking pregnant now. We are only milking Mammy and hope she will come in season now that her foot is healed.

Firewood is still keeping us busy almost every single day. We have 3 loads to deliver this week once the rain stops. Trying to start some plants indoors so they will be ready for spring planting but that is almost impossible with cats and dogs running through here but it will work out.

We let a grandson borrow our little cabin in the mountains for a couple months. He is saving money for first month and security deposit on a place. He is the daddy to my great grandson. Was unexpected but happy to help him out. Gives me more time to work on decluttering around here. It is harder than I thought trying to get rid of stuff. William doesn't like to let go so I try to do a lot when he isn't home. The bigger things will be hard to get by him. LOL  Things happen for a reason so will just take each day the Lord gives me and do the best to be patient in getting totally moved.
 That's all that is going on around this homestead. Hope your weather is good and your life is filled with blessings!

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