Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Spending my 3rd night in cabin and its actually starting to feel like home. Just need to get William,Rusty, and the animals up here to make it complete.

We took Justin to Asheville today so the doctor could check his foot. The home health nurse took the med vac out yesterday and doctor wanted to make sure everything was okay. He now has a brace on that leg so he can walk a little without crutches. The wound is still open but doctor thinks it will heal without skin grafts. We still have to give his IV meds 3 times a day for at least another month. He can't be around crowds because his immune system is low so he will not be going back to school this year nor swimming or vacations. He is fine with that as long as his foot heals without anymore surgery.

Prom was a success. Woody looked out for his sister Hope and they both went to the same after prom party. Had fun without getting crazy or into trouble. I am truly blessed to have such beautiful and smart grands!

William is a bit overwhelmed with things around the homestead. Hard for him to keep all the chores and animal care up along with his handyman business. Once we get the animals here it will be easier for him to work on downsizing his stuff and catch up on jobs for his customers. Hopefully things will move along on schedule.

Plans are to plant the garden this weekend. We have had a few frosty mornings but hopefully by the weekend frost will be gone till fall. After home health nurse comes by tomorrow I have plans to finish setting out the flowers and things I brought with me. I have planted a few of the flowers, the strawberries, and a rose bush but has lots more that needs to get in the ground. Megan also wants me to help her with some flower beds and also painting some rooms in her house. That will be done on weekends as she is at work all week.

Need to clone myself so I can help William at the homestead and be here to get things done and help where I am needed. Just need to breathe, be patient, and wait to see what God has planned. I find myself rushing when I should be waiting. All things work out in the end. Have a very blessed night everyone!


Sarah said...

Glad to hear that Justin is on the mend. He's been in my prayers. Hoping that things settle down for you soon!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad things are working out for you, Peggy. I know it's hard to be patient--but things WILL work out, in due time..


Denise said...

Looks like you have the right idea, one day at a time Sweet Jesus.......Your home looks comfy.

TexWisGirl said...

prayers for all of you that you get through this transition without utter exhaustion.

Kelly said...

Sounds like things are coming together well. You have accomplished so much in such a short time, you should be proud of yourself.
I can't imagine my husband doing everything I do and working too. I would come home to no animals :/
Still waiting on my goat to kid, I was way off on my timing. I appreciate all of your advise. I've definetly had enough time to learn alot. Enjoy your day ☺

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I have not visited your blog is a while. I am surprised you life is under change. I am sure all will work out. It is always interesting to read about you and your clan not to mention the animals.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

the cabin looks lovely and comfy; home at last.