Saturday, February 23, 2013

Passing On A Little Kindness

Wednesday afternoon my daughter Maggie's father in law was killed in a car crash. He was leaving work and heading to a meeting in what he thought was a normal day. Leaving a wife,4 sons, grandchildren, daughter in laws, his parents, lots and lots of friends. Not one of them got a chance to say goodbye or how much he meant to them, thank him for what he had done for them. We need to bury the hatchet, not hold grudges, let go of the anger, forgive each other because we never know as we go about our normal day if its our last or the last of a loved one. Even thought you don't know Robert Duncan personally I would like to ask you to do something in his memory. Pass an act of kindness on to someone. Give someone looking sad a smile. Buy a coffee and sandwich for a homeless person. Go to a nursing home and ask to visit someone that doesn't have anyone visiting them. At church give a visitor a hug and welcome. You get the idea. Robert always helped others, even strangers and I can't think of a better way to honor his memory then to pass his kindness on.


TexWisGirl said...

what a wonderful way to honor this man. thank you, peggy.

melissa said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, Peggy. Folks do leave such a void, but thank you for the tribute you make in his honor. As it should be.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. Almost a year ago I lost a close friend in a tragic accident and it taught me so much. I encourage everyone to value what they have. You said it wonderfully.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fabulous idea, Peggy... Let's send some kindness around us in Robert's memory... God Bless his family.. Sudden deaths like that are always the hardest.

Thanks for a great post.